U16 AA | U17 AAA | U18 AA

U16 AA | U17 AAA | U18 AA

U16, U17, U18 Tryouts

Tryout Registration for the 2024-2025 Season is now open!

Tryout Start Dates 2024-2025 – U16/U17/U18 – starts Monday, September 2, 2024.

U16/U17/U18 Tryout Calendar

U16/U17/U18 Tryouts Groups  

Early Bird Tryout Fee – April 15 to June 30, 2024 – $300
Tryout Fee – July 1, 2024 onwards – $400

U18 AAA – Players who choose to tryout for Hockey Edmonton Junior Oilers, please register for SSAC tryouts as well so you are ready to join SSAC Tryouts should you return.

U18 eligible age players who choose to tryout for Junior teams must also register for SSAC’s tryouts upon return.

Tryout Registration for U13U15 and U16/U17/U18  will open online April 15, 2024 using Hockey Canada Spordle My Account.

Next Steps to Register

If the player was on a SSAC team in 2023-2024 registration is available online as of April 15 and you can proceed to register for tryouts.

If the player was NOT on a SSAC team in 2023-2024, their Hockey Canada file will need to be shared with SSAC so that they can register for tryouts. If you are having issues accessing the registration, please CLICK HERE to complete the Intent to Register with South Side Athletic Club Form so you will be able to register for tryouts!

For further enquiries, contact our Registrar: SSAC Registrar

*  The tryout fee is based on the date all documentation is received (online registration, conduct forms, age/address verification, and payment). Please complete registration by June 30 to get the Early Bird Pricing.

U16 | U17 | U18 AAA/AA Teams

This season, SSAC will field 1 U18 AA, 1 U17 AAA, and 1 U16 AA teams:

  • 1 U18 AA team
  • 1 U17 AAA team
  • 1 U16 AA team

At U18 AA, NAHL, the team will be comprised of a mix of 16 and 17 year-olds.

At U17 AAA, also now AEHL, formerly AMMHL the team will be comprised of the elite 15 and 16 year old.

At U16 AA, REMHL  the team will be comprised of 15 year-olds only.

U16 AA | U17 AAA | U18 AA Tryouts – Week 1

U16 AA | U17 AAA | U18 AA tryouts begin the September Labour Day. Players will receive an email the week before with their first ice time.

Coaches will evaluate and Category Directors of the Hockey Operations Committee will observe. Groupings will occur randomly using the player’s preferred tryout position as declared on the application form.

There will be a separate goalie evaluation at beginning of September. Goaltenders will be emailed their group and time.

An injury or illness incurred at tryout time might cause the player to lose out on an opportunity to try out with SSAC. It is at the coaches discretion whether an ill or injured player continues on for further evaluation. The Club is not required to hold positions open for ANY player while they heal from an illness or injury, or while trying out with another Club in the AA Model Tryouts or AAA Player Movement process.

U18 AA & U17 AAA & U16 AA Groups

At beginning of September, the U18 AA coach will each select up to 25 players from the remaining 16 and 17 year-old candidates. A selection of up to 25 players of the 15 and 16 year-olds will be selected by the U17 AAA coach for further evaluation. From the remaining list, the U16 AA coach will select up to 25 players from the 15 year-olds for continued evaluation.

Evaluations of drafted players will continue with constant player movement from Junior to U18 AAA to U18 AA or U17 AAA or U16 AA. Roster numbers will pared down according to Hockey Edmonton and SSAC pre-determined timelines. It is the Club’s desire to complete this process as quickly as possible while allowing players a fair opportunity to display their abilities.

U16 AA | U17 AAA | U18 AA Releases

At the U16 | U17 | U18 levels, rosters will be pared down to within one or two players of being “set” by the start of the SSAC Fall Tournament and be finalized shortly thereafter. If the tryouts in your District begin during this time frame, it is advisable that you communicate with your District Registrar or U16/U18 Category Director to ensure knowledge of their tryout time lines.

Any player not drafted by the U18 AA or U16 AA coaches will return to their EFHL program or may enter the AA Model Player Movement process – see Elite Council. The AA Model allows for a 2nd tryout for another city club. For more step-by-step details to tryout for another club team, visit the Elite Council website.

U17 AAA are eligible for a 2nd tryout in the Alberta Development Model Player Movement process.

U18 AAA Releases

Players who choose to try out for the Hockey Edmonton Junior Oilers U18 AAA team must also register for SSAC’s tryouts. If the player does not return from Junior Oilers (i.e. he makes a U18 AAA), the tryout fee will be refunded. Once a player returns from U18 AAA camp, he will be integrated into the SSAC tryout process with potential evaluation by the U17 AAA coach as well as the U18 AA (16 and 17 year olds) or U16 AA (15 year olds) coaching staff.

Junior Releases

Players who choose to try out for Junior teams must also register for SSAC’s tryouts. If the player does not return from Junior camp (i.e. he makes a Junior team), the tryout fee will be refunded. Once a player returns from Junior camp, he will be integrated into the SSAC tryout process with evaluation by the U18 AAA coach as well as the U18 AA coaching staff.

NO player returning from a Junior camp AFTER October 15 will be accepted into U16 | U17 | U18 tryouts or on to a U18 AAA/AA, U17 AAA or U16 AA team with ANY Hockey Edmonton Club.

NO releases to Clubs outside Hockey Edmonton boundaries will be permitted either.
The player’s options after October 15 will be extremely limited.
Responsibility lies with the player and the Junior team to ensure the October 15 deadline is observed.

All players who choose to try out for Junior teams should receive a Hockey Alberta Letter of Permission from the management of the Junior team. This form must be signed by the Hockey Edmonton Registrar Glenn Sommerville.

Hockey Edmonton has a strict timeline of October 15 with regard to players returning from Junior.
Players who are in the Club’s tryout process at the October 15 deadline, cannot be released from the Club after October 15 but player movement between U18 AA, U17 AAA, and U16 AA may continue until January 10 with the approval of the SSAC Hockey Operations Committee.