U13 AAA | U13 AA

U13 AAA/AA Tryouts

U13 AAA/AA Tryouts

Tryout Registration for the 2024-2025 Season is now closed.

Tryout  Dates 2024-2025 – U13 – started Sunday, September 1

Thank you for participating in SSAC U13 Tryouts this season!

Early Bird Tryout Fee – April 15 to June 30, 2024– $250
Tryout Fee – July 1, 2024 to start of tryouts – $350

Tryout Registration for U13U15 and U16/U17/U18  is open online using your Hockey Canada Spordle My Account.

Next Steps to Register

If the player was on a SSAC team in 2023-2024 registration is available online as of April 15 and you can proceed to register for tryouts.

If the player was NOT on a SSAC team in 2023-2024, their Hockey Canada file will need to be shared with SSAC so that they can register for tryouts. If you are having issues accessing the registration, please CLICK HERE to complete the Intent to Register with South Side Athletic Club Form so you will be able to register for tryouts!

For further enquiries, contact our Registrar: SSAC Registrar

*  The tryout fee is based on the date all documentation is received (online registration, conduct forms, age/address verification, and payment). Please complete registration by June 30 to get the Early Bird Pricing.

U13 AAA/U13 AA Teams

The Club is currently comprised of 1 U13 AAA team and 1 U13 AA team. At U13 AAA/AA,  it is expected that the team composition will primarily be 12 year-olds with some 11 year-olds. Any underage player trying out must make a special application to the Hockey Edmonton Registrar. Underage players must be evaluated as being in the top one-third of the U13 AAA team or return to the Federation Program.

U13 Tryouts – Week 1- to be updated for U13 AAA Shortly

U13 tryouts begin in September. You will receive an email approximately one week before the first ice time.

U13 players will be divided randomly into groups. All 11 and 12 year-olds will be grouped together, with both age categories observed and evaluated by the coaching staff of the 1 U13 AAA and 1 U13 AA teams and by the corresponding Category Directors as well as other members of the Hockey Operations Committee as required.

There will be a separate goalie evaluation. Goaltenders will be emailed their group and time.

An injury or illness incurred at tryout time might cause the player to lose out on an opportunity to try out with SSAC. It is a coach’s discretion whether an ill or injured player continues on for further evaluation. The Club is not required to hold positions open for ANY player while they heal from an illness or injury, or is trying out with another Club in the Player Movement process.

U13 AA Groups  – to be updated for U13 AAA Shortly

After two ice times, the U13 AA coaches will select the top players to continue evaluating. After two or three skates, the U13 AA coaches will reduce the group. This group will continue to try out together with numbers pared down.

The remaining U13 players will be re-grouped for further observation and evaluation by the coaching staffs. The U13 AA coaches will then conduct a draft, each selecting no more than 20 per team of the remaining 11 and 12-year-old players. The tryouts will continue throughout the month of September with players being released within timelines established by the Club. This will culminate in the pre-season tournament.

U13 Releases – to be updated for U13 AAA Shortly

At the U13 levels, rosters will be pared down to within one or two players of being “set” by the start of the pre-season  tournament and be finalized shortly thereafter. If the tryouts in your district begin during this time frame, it is advisable that you communicate with your district Registrar or U13 Category Director to ensure knowledge of their tryout time lines.

All U13-age players released by all U13 coaches will return to the EFHL program, or may contact our SSAC Registrar. To enter the U13 AA Player Movement process to tryout for another city club U13 AA team – see Elite Council for Player Movement procedure. For more step-by-step details to tryout for another U13 AA club team, peruse the Elite Council Player Movement process. After completing Notification-to-Tryout form, contact U13 AA league governor at Hockey Edmonton for permission on next team tryout.

If the tryouts in your District begin during this time frame, it is advisable that you communicate with your Association/District Registrar or U13 Category Director to ensure knowledge of their tryout times.