The success of the South Side Athletic Club is due to the continuing efforts of numerous volunteers who offer a substantial amount of time, expertise, and dedication to this quality hockey program. The affairs of the Club are conducted by an elected Executive Committee and by the Hockey Operations Committee who select the head coaches. The majority of these volunteers do not have children in the hockey program and put forward their best efforts and intentions.
Due to the fact that the South Side Athletic Club must reflect the ongoing revisions of Hockey Edmonton’s Rules of Registration, the changes within Edmonton’s AA hockey program and in order to maintain competitive standards for our teams, the information provided is a guideline only and subject to change.
Player Fee Summary
The Club tries to operate on a balanced budget each year and the Executive projects a budget of anticipated expenses and known revenues such as sponsors. Player registration fees are calculated to cover such expenses as
- Game ice
- Referee fees for league play and playoffs
- Time Keepers
- Trainers and supplies
- Practice ice (approximately 2 practices per week or 3 for AAA)
- Game jerseys and socks
- Practice jerseys
- Team photos
- Banquet and awards
- Travel – bus, hotel, meal allowance for league games out-of-town
- Coaches honoriums
- Coaching supplies
- Coach apparel
- Coaching Clinics and certification
- Team Snap
- Online video editing available
- Club administration and facility maintenance
- Hockey Edmonton, Hockey Alberta, and Hockey Canada fees
- League fees
- Player and coach insurance coverage
- Player, goalie, and coach skill development programs
- Player powerskating programs
Parent Volunteer Commitment
Parents will be required to volunteer, as required, for yearly club functions such at the John Ferguson Memorial Fall Pre-Season Series, EBIT Christmas Tournament, Provincials, team activities, etc.
Team Manager
It is necessary to have team managers in place as soon as possible, so we ask parents with sons/daughters trying out to give consideration to being a team manager. A managers meeting is held early in the season to review responsibilities to the Club and to the team. An interim manager may be named by the Coach to assist in the team’s activities until such time as the roster is set.
Team Budget
Player registration fees include two practice slots per week for AA teams and three for AAA teams. There are usually one or more regular season games per week. The members of each team will be responsible for expenses at tournaments and exhibition games.
The Club will supply players with practice jerseys, game jerseys and socks. Teams are provided with pucks and basic first aid kits.
Colours & Design
The Club has determined a standard design and colour scheme and has a rigid policy regarding team jackets, track suits, and clothing and controls the style, colour, and design. All orders must go through the Club’s Equipment Director. For more information, contact our Equipment Director.
Helmets, Gloves & Equipment Bags
Black helmets, black hockey pants with Club logo, and gloves in Club colors form part of the teams’ uniform and are mandatory. Once you have made a team, gloves in Club colors are available for purchase from the Club below retail cost. They are a special order item and are only available through the Club. Player pants must be black in color and once the player has made a team, players must arrange to have the SSAC logo patch sewn on to them through United Sport & Cycle.
Player and goalie bags are available for purchase at cost. All orders are to be made through the Club’s Equipment Director.
Jackets & Track Suits
The Club has a variety of SSAC apparel items offered at a reasonable price. These items are available. All orders are to be made through the Club’s Equipment Director.