Minor Midget AA Besa Mustangs Parent Evaluation 2017

Coach / Program Evaluation – Parent Input

Your cooperation is requested in completing this evaluation. Your opinions provide valuable input in helping the SSAC executive improve the quality of the SSAC hockey program. The board will treat all comments as private and confidential.

Please complete our short survey:

Part I

Please answer 8 multiple choice questions
Select answer, once choice is highlighted, upon your vote confirmed, go to next question
Select arrows < >  to go forward or backward.

Part II

Please rate each coach in the following areas:  (Poor 1 through Excellent 5)
Select answer, once choice is highlighted, upon your vote confirmed, go to next question
Selecting “Other” to input your own answer has 100 character limit – longer comment box below
Select arrows < >  to go forward or backward

Part III

You are welcome to submit your comments and feedback:

U16 AA Cameron Homes Parent Comments