
In addition to the objectives that form the Alumni‘s Bylaws, a directive to raise funds and subsequently use those funds for two specific programs, is now in place. An application was submitted to the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission to hold a casino. After numerous letters and meetings headed by Past President George Zaharia, the Gaming and Liquor Commission approved a casino licence for the Alumni. This is rather unique in that while the Alumni could be considered as part of the South Side Athletic Club their use of gaming funds would be directed toward financially assisting all youth living in the south side of Edmonton to participate in any sporting endeavour. No funds will be directed to the Club since it also has casino approval and use of gaming revenue cannot be duplicated.

Further, the Alumni will use the funds for Bursaries. This program has yet to becmoe operative but a committee has been formed to present a plan to the Alumni Board for approval. It will be administered solely by the Alumni but will have input from the Club.

The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission granted a Licence to the Alumni to hold a casino in September 2003. It was successful and a thank you is extended to all members who volunteered their time.

The Alumni has been in existence since 1989 but in those years the Executive members have been very active. An annual golf tournament has been organized in conjunction with the Club. Alumni members have participated in the Club‘s annual socials. The Alumni President, when required, attends the Club‘s monthly meetings and Annual General Meeting to provide whatever assistance they can. Now, with the new programs about to commence, there will be much more to be done.

The South Side Athletic Club Alumni is not a “closed shop”. It is there on behalf of former players and parents; coaches and managers and previous Executive members. All are welcome to attend meetings, provide new ideas and be a part of the growth which is so important if we are to maintain a strong Alumni.