
The South Side Athletic Club board meets monthly.

The Annual General Meeting is generally held the fourth Monday in April at the Clubhouse.
As members of the SSAC, all parents are encouraged to attend the AGM.

SSAC Board Executive 2024-25

ExecutiveMember EMailSinceYearsPhone
PresidentTed Boomer201012780-717-0654
Vice President OperationsVacant---
Administration DirectorNathan Schmidt20222780-718-3433
Apparel DirectorDavid Roethlingshoefer200321780-231-1985
Equipment DirectorRon Oscroft198219780-718-9298
Ice AllocatorIce Allocator---
Marketing / Sponsors DirectorBasia Braaksma20213780-975-2955
Registrar *Melissa Heayn20186780-265-3178
SecretaryArlene Walker20222780-
Tournament DirectorDavid Roethlingshoefer200321780-231-1985
TreasurerPeter Mah20204780-940-5895
U13 AA Director Traxx CoachlinesChristine Trudgeon20222587-990-6148
U13 AAA Director ZerOneBrian Hudkins20222780-722-3755
U15 AA Director Innovation PhysioErin Danforth20213780-264-2362
U15 AA Director Pro Hockey LifeRoy Patter201113780-721-6071
U15 AAA Director Southgate LionsRich Coyle200717780-918-5741
U15 AAA Director Southgate LionsArdis Eliason200419780-434-1823
U16 AA Director Cameron HomesLandon Breakwell200317780-686-2628
U17 AAA Director United Sport & Cycle BulldogsJustin Penner200716780-902-3039
U18 AA Director Don WheatonTed Mah20167780-909-2881
Director-at-Large Mental HealthTawana McLeod20231780-238-7853
Director-at-LargeErica Bennett20222780-977-7412
Director-at-LargeRob Lee200715780-920-5985
Director-at-LargeStacey Yantha20222780-970-1546
Bookkeeper *Anita Lee20186780-437-4097
Coach Consultant *Marc Devaney200614780-
Coach Development *Nathan Papirny200617587-785-2115
Hockey Operations Manager *Will Jang200321780-437-3098

* Ex-officio non-voting contributors
Last updated 2024-11-07 @ 15:07:06

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